Designing an Integrated Blockchain-Based Model for Supplier-Managed Inventory

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Malek Ashtar university of technology

2 malek ashtar unniversity

3 jikobs alman


The exchange of information between members of the supply chain has attracted the attention of many researchers. The fourth industrial revolution emphasizes the advanced research topics of intelligent supply chains, data security issues, and intelligent manufacturing such as blockchain technology. Blockchain is defined as a decentralized distributed ledger that can store various types of information such as transactions and records that are simulated and shared among members of a network. Supplier-managed inventory faces major hurdles in today's supply chain, including trust, data integrity, transparency and traceability for multiple supplier-customer interactions. Blockchain technology ensures that data is exchanged among supply chain stakeholders in a transparent, safe and secure manner. Benefits of using blockchain for supplier-managed inventory operations in the supply chain include decentralized control, security, traceability, and time-stamped transactions. The purpose of this paper is to present an integrated conceptual model and process model for supplier inventory management based on blockchain technology, which proposes a general framework to enable the matching of supplier and customer orders in a decentralized manner, while maintaining the trust of To satisfy the opinion of the management. The most important results of the proposed model are maintaining the integrity of the data, improving the order accuracy, increasing the profit of the beneficiaries, increasing the level of trust between the parties and immutability of the data. The application of this technology in the combination of supply chain with other subjects, such as game theory, mathematical optimization, research in operations is suggested for future research.


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