Supply Chain Network Design Using Inventory Control Coordination Strategies Under Uncertainty Using Meta-Initiative Approach

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Department of industrial engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The design of the integrated supply chain network plays a vital role in improving the operational efficiency of the company. In this regard, it is essential to integrate strategic issues such as location and transportation management with inventory management strategies in the design of the supply chain network. In the current research, the mathematical model of the three-level supply chain network, including supplier, warehouse, and retailer, has been developed by adopting two coordinated and non-coordinated inventory control strategies. The dynamic adaptive control approach is presented to deal with the uncertainty of the economic order quantity. The study's primary focus is examining the integrity or non-integrity of the inventory of supply chain echelons and its effect on the inventory allocation and the reliability levels of network storage points to guarantee a high level of service. A genetic meta-heuristic algorithm has been used to optimize the problem with an ample search space and provides reasonable solutions and reasonable improvement opportunities. The calculation results show that the amount of inventory and the costs of the entire supply chain network show a significant reduction using the coordinated inventory control strategy.


Smiley face

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