Information of Journal

Year of publication: 1999
Scientific credibility and rank of the journal: scientific-research with rank (B)
Cooperation with the association: Iran Logistics Association
Area of expertise: logistics and supply chain
Type of articles that can be published: research, promotional and review
Publication status: print and electronic
Frequency of publication: Quarterly
Publication language: Persian (English abstract)
Type of arbitration: Peer Review Double anonymous arbitration and at least 2 Reviewers
Review time: 3 months Maximum
Publication email:
Status of access to the full text of articles: open access and free download
The cost of sending and printing articles: free
Tyoe Of License: CC BY
Citation method: IEEE

important points:

  1. Respected authors are requested to follow the format of the Journal in order to speed up the review and judging process.
  2. Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this Journal is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Journal (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and combating fraud in Scientific Works.
  3. All articles sent to this Journal are reviewed by plagiarism software. Submitting the report of Samim Noor text matching system or Irandak matching system is also necessary at the time of submitting the article. (Link to the guide to the plagiarism detetor system)
  4. Also, please, when submitting the article (commitment form), (authors conflict of interest form) and authors profile form must be signed by all authors and uploaded to the system
  5. Guide for authors (Journal format)

According to the policy of the journal, all types of articles: research, review and promotion in the field of logistics and supply chain are prioritized for review and publication.
Audience of the Journal: The audience of this Journal is made up of researchers, faculty members of universities, specialists in Supply Chain and related fields.

field of study
The science of logistics and supply chain is one of the current and very practical topics that all organizations deal with in some way. Economic developments, market requirements, intensity of competition, the emergence of new technologies, changes in the level of expectations of customers and organizations, and the diversity of supply factors, are all among the factors that have led to the definition and design of the supply chain management approach in organizations.
Logistics Studies and Research Center has been established with the cooperation of Iran Logistics Association and with the aim of institutionalizing research and studies in the field of logistics and supply chain and development of knowledge and technologies in this field, it has tried to provide the necessary platforms to provide the latest information, achievements, studies and Provide logistics and supply chain research in the country.
The scientific journal "Supply Chain Management" invites all professors, researchers, specialists and interested parties to submit their works in the form of authored articles, translations and introducing information sources (books, websites, theses, etc.) in line with specialized axes. Send a quarterly magazine.
Reminder: Respected authors should compile their articles based on the format of this journal's articles and upload them through the journal's electronic database (

Current Issue: Volume 26, Issue 82, May 2024, Pages 1-102 

Research/ Original/ Regular Article

The Development of the Order Allocation Model based on the Reliability of Retailers

Pages 1-16

azam modares; Nasser Motahari Farimani; Vahideh Bafandegan Emroozi

The Mathematical Model for Location-Routing Problem of Relief Logistics Considering the Types of People Under Conditions of Uncertainty

Pages 55-66

Behrooz Bayegan; Ahmad Mehrabian; Mahdi Yousefi Nejad Attari; Mohammad Jafar Doosti dylami

Inter-Chain Competition Based on Sustainability and Resilience Indicators in the Problem of Supply Chain Network Design

Pages 77-93

Hossein Mollashahi; Mohammad Bagher Fakhrzad; Hasan Hoseini Nasab; Hasan Khademi Zare

Scientific Paper

Investigating the Impact of Blockchain Implementation in the Supply Chain of Dairy Products in Iran

Pages 95-102

Mohammad Nasiri Galeh; Shaghayegh Sahraei

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