Development of Value Chain in Production Cooperatives (Studied Cooperatives in South Khorasan Province)


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the value chain activities on the economic value of active cooperatives in Birjand city. Questions and hypotheses are based on the value chain model of Porter in the development activities. In Porter's model, activities of organizations are classified into two main parts: primary and supporting. The primary activities improve the product value and supporting activities support primary activities. The present research, is applied from the goal perspective, is cross-correlation from implementation viewpoint and from data collection point of view is field-work. The data is collected by questionnaire. The study sample is 220 active cooperatives managers from the city of Birjand. The sample of 136 cooperatives is selected randomly from Morgan table and research questionnaires were distributed among managers. Research data is fitted through the software SPSS and PLS using partial least squares and regression model. The findings of this study suggest that value chain activity affects the economic added value.


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