Supply Chain Performance Evaluation using the Process Classification Framework Integration approach (PCF)and Minimum Supply Chain Standards, with Applied Study

Document Type : Case- study


1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Management and Industrial Engineering, Sadjad University of technology, Mashhad

2 Lecturer, Department of Management and Industrial Engineering, Sadjad University of Technology, Mashhad, Iran, Email:


Identifying the incidents and problems in the field of logistic and supply chain is one of the biggest challenges, which managers and manufacturers are facing now. Hence, by determining the gaps and problems related to above-mentioned issues and by offering proper solutions at the exact time, we can improve the performance of a supply chain. This study by using the ‘Process Classification Framework’ approach (PCF) provided by American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC), attempts to classify the organization based on the procedure and determine minimum standard requirements for each section. Then by utilizing the appropriate data gathering methods and interview, those requirements, which were not taken into account in each section, are distinguished. The results of this study include a list of all types of existing problems in an organization, so the managers could fully recognize the process events of their company and make best decisions to modify them.


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