Ways to achieve smart transportation in the Iran

Document Type : Applied Article


The growth of telecommunications and computer science has had such an impact on human societies.
It has completely changed human interactions. In this age, according to experts
It is called the information age, computer and communication technology, undisputed and decisive rulers
These are human lifestyles, both of which have a new concept called "information technology."
It has been said that in humans, using the hardware and males of different fields, their creativity in
Production of information and processing and storage of a set of data has been used. It can be done today
He felt the impact of information technology on the deepest layers of human life. This technology concepts
It has introduced a very new into human life that we need to understand if we want to understand these concepts.
We are working hard and making a lot of changes in the country. This research is trying to investigate
The impact of information technology on Iran's road transport is a reference to the concept of "systems."
Smart Transportation "and emphasizes the need to use these systems in transportation
Provide ways to develop information technology in this area.


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