Principles of comprehensive logistics systems

Document Type : Scientific Paper


There are very few areas of work that are geographically complex and expansive. Logistics
It is one of the systems that directly or indirectly covers all aspects of human life and societies.
It has an effect. In other words, logistical performance on the individual, organizational, or social activities of all individuals to
There is a kind of impact. However, issues and issues surrounding logistics, especially since the mid-1990s,
The emergence of the concept of supply chain and then with the advent of e-commerce and the use of more and more extensive communication
The Internet has become increasingly important, but even since the time of primitive humans, logistics and procurement have been important.
And the provision of basic human needs has been an integral part of human life. Research shows in some
Countries spend about 10 percent of their gross domestic product on logistics costs. This is while
16% of the world's gross domestic product is spent in this area, in fact, on the one hand, the logistics debate in general
Organizational activities are ongoing and affect other systems, and of course they are affected. on the other hand
High volume of investments and costs and income and in general the financial issues of organizations related to logistics affairs
is. Therefore, the importance of logistics while being extensive and effective in the affairs of organizations is
At all stages of the organization's life, this effect is continuous.
An organization is a larger system of systems and subsystems, processes and activities. Of course in an organization
Efficient and with high performance and quality of these systems and subsystems and the process of tens and activities in an effective and appropriate way and
Interact with each other to achieve organizational goals. The effect of logistics system performance
In the organization, it is deep and wide.
Here it is important to note that the proper functioning of the logistics system, in other words, high quality.
Logistics is not accidental; Rather, it requires planning and planning everything. In this regard, for the logistics system
Principles have been established that ensure the proper operation, efficiency and effectiveness of logistics if used.
And it guarantees. But another important point that needs to be considered is that these principles
How in detailed logistics design and in other words, in the sub-component of the subsystem, the process of tens and logistics activities
Is included.
