Introducing a methodical model for evaluating the tasks of determining the assignment of items

Document Type : Applied Article


In this paper, a methodical model with multidisciplinary decision-making techniques (MADM) is introduced to evaluate the options for determining the tasks of IRGC items. For this purpose, in the first step, the general indicators related to the assignment of items (ie, the total range of indicators that are effective in determining the optimal task) are extracted by interviewing and reviewing the documents. Then, group decision making methods (GDM) are used to limit and determine the indicators and obtain the weights of the indicators and options. First of all, if there is a relationship between feedback and indicators, the indicators are ranked using the Borda method and a linear mathematical model is used to determine its cardinal weight, and if the indicators have a hierarchical structure. A special vector method will be used for this purpose. Then, by forming a multidisciplinary decision matrix (MIADMI), as a model based on group decision-making techniques, options (including sales, elimination, conversion, etc.), depending on the conditions specified in the hawang algorithm. ), Weighted prioritization, and then the results are compared and analyzed using common fuzzy multivariate decision making (FMADM) methods. After the necessary analyzes, the general prioritization of the tasks of determining the tasks of the IRGC items is determined and appropriate suggestions can be provided. It should be noted that this method of prioritization can be used in each of the general and detailed classes of items or in any specific item that is needed and by creating stability in different levels of the organization to a reliable process and a decision-making system.


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